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Ten Common Proposal Defects: What Bid Protests Can Teach Us About Writing Better Contract Proposals

Contract Management Magazine, published by the National Contract Management Association

Proposals to perform federal contracts may fail to result in awards for many reasons.  Frequently, this failure is because the prospective contractor simply cannot com­pete on technical considerations, price, or past performance. However, on other occasions, a contract award is lost because of defects in the offeror’s proposal.

Federal agencies expect an offeror to deliver an adequately written proposal for evaluation.1 As such, it is an offeror’s responsibility to submit a well-written proposal—with adequately detailed infor­mation that clearly demonstrates compli­ance with the solicitation requirements and allows for a meaningful review by the procuring agency. The proposal should affirmatively demonstrate the merits of the offeror’s proposal, and if it fails to do so, the offeror risks rejection of the proposal.2

To read the full article, please click here.

“Copyright 2018, National Contract Management Association. Used with permission.”

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